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The Significance of High Basophil Counts in Equine Bloodwork


Bloodwork is an important diagnostic tool for veterinarians to assess a horse's health. One component of a complete blood count (CBC) is the basophil count, which refers to a type of white blood cell. If your veterinarian notices higher than normal basophil levels in your horse's bloodwork, it could point to a few different conditions. In this post, we'll explore what high basophils mean and what may be going on when they are elevated.

What are Basophils?

Basophils are a type of white blood cell that play a role in allergic reactions and inflammation. They contain granules with chemicals like histamine and heparin. When basophils are activated, they release these chemicals, triggering symptoms associated with allergies and inflammation.

Basophils make up a very small percentage of the white blood cells in bloodwork, typically less than 1%. So even a slight increase over the normal range is significant. Causes of High Basophil Counts:

  • Inflammation - Basophils can increase when inflammation is present, often due to infection, tissue injury or autoimmune disorders. Dental issues, gastric ulcers, and uterine infections are examples of conditions that can raise basophil levels.

  • Allergies - Allergies prompt basophils to release histamine, so they often increase with hypersensitivity reactions to things like insect bites, vaccines, foods, or environmental allergens. Seasonal allergies may cause temporary basophil spikes.

  • Cushing's Disease - Horses with Cushing's (PPID) commonly have higher basophils. This endocrine disorder creates inflammation that stimulates these white blood cells.

  • Tumors - Certain types of cancers, such as types of leukemia, can cause drastic elevations in basophils.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

If basophil counts are outside the normal reference range, the veterinarian will likely recommend further testing to determine the underlying cause. Tests like serum chemistry panels, fecal exams, urinalysis and imaging exams can pinpoint areas of infection or inflammation.

Once a diagnosis is reached,appropriate treatment can begin. This may include antibiotics for infection, steroids or other drugs to reduce inflammation, or specific therapy for diseases like Cushing's. Identifying and addressing the root problem is key to bringing basophil levels back down into the normal range.

In summary, an elevated basophil count in equine bloodwork warrants investigation as it signals some type of inflammation, infection or allergy. Though not necessarily dangerous on its own, getting to the bottom of the cause is important to manage the condition and support the horse's health. With proper veterinary guidance, horses with high basophils can often be treated successfully and return to normal basophil levels.


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