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Revving Up Performance: Cimetidine's Hidden Benefits for Equine Athletes

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

When it comes to the world of performance horses, every edge counts. From impeccable training regimes to precise nutritional plans, owners and trainers are constantly seeking ways to enhance their horse's performance. One such avenue worth exploring is the use of cimetidine, a medication commonly used in humans for stomach ulcers, but increasingly gaining popularity in the equine world. In this blog, we'll delve into the benefits of cimetidine for performance horses and why it might be a game-changer for your equine athlete.

Cimetidine: More than Just an Ulcer Medication

Cimetidine, also known by its brand name Tagamet, belongs to a class of drugs called H2 receptor antagonists. In horses, it is primarily used to treat gastric ulcers, a prevalent issue among performance horses due to the stress they endure during training and competition. However, its benefits extend beyond ulcer management, making it a valuable addition to your horse's regimen.

1. Gastric Ulcer Prevention and Management Performance horses are at a higher risk of developing gastric ulcers due to their intense training schedules and rigorous routines. Cimetidine can help prevent and manage ulcers by reducing the production of stomach acid, which plays a pivotal role in ulcer formation. By maintaining a healthy stomach lining, your horse will be less prone to the discomfort and performance hindrance associated with gastric ulcers.

2. Pain and Discomfort Alleviation Equine athletes can suffer from various types of pain and discomfort, ranging from musculoskeletal issues to general stress. Cimetidine has been reported to have analgesic properties, helping horses feel more comfortable during training and competitions. When your horse is pain-free, they can focus better on their performance, leading to improved results.

3. Enhanced Appetite and Nutrient Absorption Performance horses require a precise balance of nutrients to perform at their best. Cimetidine's ability to reduce stomach acid can result in improved appetite and nutrient absorption. This means your horse can better utilize the nutrients in their feed, leading to increased energy levels and stamina during workouts and events.

4. Reduction in Allergic Reactions Some performance horses are prone to allergies that can affect their respiratory health and overall performance. Cimetidine has been known to reduce allergic reactions by blocking the release of histamines. This can help horses breathe more easily and perform at their peak, especially in environments with allergen triggers.

5. Enhanced Immune Function

A strong immune system is essential for maintaining your horse's overall health and performance. Cimetidine has shown potential in modulating immune responses, making it beneficial for horses under stress. This can help your horse stay healthier and less susceptible to illnesses that could sideline their training and competition plans.


In the highly competitive world of performance horses, even the smallest advantage can make a significant difference. Cimetidine, with its multifaceted benefits, has the potential to enhance your horse's performance by improving gastric health, alleviating pain and discomfort, boosting appetite and nutrient absorption, reducing allergic reactions, and enhancing immune function. However, it's crucial to consult with a veterinarian before incorporating cimetidine into your horse's regimen. They can provide guidance on proper dosages, administration, and any potential side effects. Remember, every horse is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. By working closely with your veterinarian and considering cimetidine as part of a holistic approach to your horse's care, you can give your equine athlete the best chance to excel in their chosen discipline. Performance horses deserve nothing less than the best, and cimetidine could be the key to unlocking their full potential.

Click Here to order Cimetidine

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