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Combatting Anabolic Resistance in Horses: The Role of Glycine and Leucine Supplementation

In the world of competitive horse racing and eventing, maintaining muscle mass is critical for performance and longevity. However, horses undergoing intense training and competition are often at risk of anabolic resistance—a condition where the muscles' ability to grow and repair is compromised, leading to muscle loss and decreased performance. Fortunately, supplementing with glycine and leucine can help combat anabolic resistance by reducing oxidative stress and supporting muscle preservation.

Understanding Anabolic Resistance in Horses

Anabolic resistance occurs when the muscles become less responsive to the anabolic signals that promote muscle growth and repair. This resistance can be triggered by various factors, including intense physical exertion, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress—common challenges faced by performance horses.

Oxidative stress, in particular, plays a significant role in anabolic resistance. It occurs when there’s an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to neutralize them with antioxidants. In horses, this imbalance can lead to muscle damage, inflammation, and ultimately, anabolic resistance.

Glycine: The Antioxidant Powerhouse

Glycine, an amino acid, is known for its powerful antioxidant properties. It plays a crucial role in the synthesis of glutathione, one of the body’s most important antioxidants. By enhancing glutathione production, glycine helps neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

For performance horses, glycine supplementation can be a game-changer. By mitigating oxidative stress, glycine helps preserve muscle mass, even under the intense conditions of racing and eventing. This preservation is vital for maintaining strength, endurance, and overall performance.

Leucine: The Anabolic Trigger

Leucine, another essential amino acid, is renowned for its role in muscle protein synthesis. It acts as a key signal that triggers the anabolic pathways responsible for muscle growth. In horses, leucine supplementation can enhance muscle protein synthesis, helping to counteract the effects of anabolic resistance.

When combined with glycine, leucine’s benefits are amplified. While glycine works to reduce oxidative stress and protect muscle tissue, leucine directly stimulates muscle growth. Together, these amino acids provide a powerful one-two punch against anabolic resistance, helping horses maintain muscle mass and recover more effectively from the rigors of competition.

The Added Benefits: A Synergistic Approach

The combination of glycine and leucine offers more than just protection against anabolic resistance. This synergistic approach also supports overall muscle health and recovery. By reducing oxidative stress with glycine and promoting muscle protein synthesis with leucine, horses can experience improved muscle function, quicker recovery times, and enhanced performance.

Moreover, these amino acids can contribute to better mood and reduced anxiety, further supporting a horse’s well-being during training and competition. Glycine’s calming effects and leucine’s role in energy production can help horses stay focused and energized, even under the pressures of high-stakes events.


In the high-stakes world of competitive horse racing and eventing, preserving muscle mass is crucial for success. Anabolic resistance, driven by oxidative stress, poses a significant threat to a horse’s performance and longevity. However, by supplementing with glycine and leucine, horse owners and trainers can combat this resistance, protect muscle mass, and enhance recovery. This powerful combination not only helps horses perform at their best but also supports their overall health and well-being.

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